Sunday, June 30, 2024

Nurture chidren to be good muslims

Dari fb Shamsiya Noorul Quloob

Allah doesn't want your kid to be hafidh or an alim, Allah wants them to be good Muslims. Please stop comparing your children based on their eagerness or aptitude to learn Islam & Quran. All you will end up doing is create sibling rivalry and ultimately hatred for the book and deen of Allah.

If one kid is eager to wake up for Fajr and the other isn't, and if one kid can memorize Quran easily and the other cannot, if one kid never forgets duas and the other does, know they are just being their authentic selves. Children are innocent and are on Fitrah.

They need your love and understanding the most. Guide them with Hikmah, keep giving gentle loving reminders, keep telling them how much Allah loves them.

Fear, ultimatums and beatings will only make children work and do things you ask them to based on fear and it will never turn into true change. The moment they are independent all those teachings will fall on deaf ears.

Comparing children with their siblings or other children creates jealousy, self esteem issues and puts the child on aggressive defense reaction mode.

Encourage your children, nurture their fitrah, create happy memories, share stories and laughter together , give them opportunities to make their own decisions, trust them, be their friend, enjoy them because before you know it they will leave home and become adults, they are individuals with their own personalities, please stop forcing on children ideals you failed to achieve.

Remember it is easier to build strong children than to fix broken adults. Keep your communication open with them. Focus on building their hearts, souls and character. Knowledge will always be secondary to good character.

How many people do we know today that are Alims, Shaykhs, Ustadhas but when you interact with them or get to know them on a deeper level they lack the very basic aspects of good character despite having an ocean of knowledge.

🤲 May Allah make all our children saliheen, who reflect their knowledge of Islam through actions and good character and may Allah make them leaders of the righteous - ameen ya rabbi.

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