Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Right Brain Left Brain

Whasap conversation with Faisal Abdul Rahman...CEO Empire Putra College...

Manusia ada 2 bahagian iaitu otak kiri dan otak kanan.  Otak kiri untuk  logik rational matematik,Otak kanan untuk kreativiti, seni, bahasa.

Left brain does critical thinking; right brain does creative thinking

Some people are more left than right and vice versa

Ini berkaitan dgn perkembangan cognitive, sebab lain part of the brain terhubung lebih kuat akibat scaffolding yg di beri senasa perkembangan awal.

Jadi lain org lain...ITU ciptaan TUHAN

Tapi masa right brain sedang berfikir secara kreatif, left brain jangan ganggu. Klu ganggu nanti process kreativiti akan terganggu

Kita fikir step by step. Right dulu, then left

Ini teknik 6 thinking hat Edward di Bono

We need balance thinking but step by step

Not both at the same time or at the same discussion

We must know the difference.
Whole brain thinking

We put the right brain functions in early units and left brain in subsequent units.

Then we get them to debate

Itu kolb learning cycle

Yg hubungkan RB n LB tu corpus collosum
Corpus collosum size: it is reported that a woman's brain has a larger corpus collusum, which means women can transfer data between the right and left hemisphere faster than men. Men tend to be more left brained, while women have greater access to both sides.

Macam jambatan...perempuan n lelaki jambatan lain saiz..

That is why women can mutitask and men are more focus

Because women are suppose to take care of the are to hunt

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