Friday, December 5, 2014

Multiple inteligence

🔬⚽️👭🙍Copy paste drp Sahabat

Ada 9 jenis intelligence.

1. 👭Interpersonal I : people smart (pandai bergaul dgn org, suka berkawan,  pandai bermain dgn org lain)

2. Intrapersonal I: self smart (suka buat aktiviti sendiri, sukar jika perlu team work, agak kekok bersosial.. serlah potensi diri jika sendirian.)

3.Bodily Kinesthetic I ; body smart ( sgt pandai mengawal pergerakan badan, hebat bila melakukan kerja berkaitan pergerakan, suka bergerak bila melakukan apa2 aktiviti)

4. Logichal Mathematical I : Logic Smart
( suka nombor, fakta, bijak math, fikir logik, cekap menghafal)

5. Music I : Music Smart ( pandai hargai muzik,  suka bunyian, mahir mengikut rentak lagu, pandai cipta irama, mahir taranum)

6. Naturalist I : nature smart (selesa dgn alam/  nature lover, suka tumbuhan, haiwan, bakat gardening ect.)

7. Verbal Linguistic I : word smart (mahir berbicara, pandai susun ayat, mengarang, kuasai byk bahasa, minat sastera ect)

8. Spatial I : picture smart ( bijak mengatur ruang -cth: town planning, ada talent architecture,  kreatif melukis , menyusun ect)

9. Spiritual / existential I : Existential Smart ( tahu konsep ketuhanan, ketauhidan, percaya perkara ghaib : rukun iman, konsep dosa pahala, akhirat ect)

Dr Afzan Maria said 

If there is a ruler to measure our children intelligence in our school system nowadays,  they are only measuring 2 types of intelligence which are Logic & Word, while the other 7 are deny..

Ye la. Jika anak yg bijak bersukan cthnya  .ia hanya sampingan dan bukan dilihat sbg satu kepintaran.
[4:05PM, 11/20/2014] Tshie <3: Love this quote yg Dr Afzan share :

" childhood is not race to see how quickly a child can read,  write & count. Childhood is a small window of time to learn and develop at the pace which is right for each individual child"

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